Tonight we’ll gather for song, prayer, readings, refelction and communion in Pasquerilla Spiritual Center’s Worship Hall at 5:45 pm. It is an informal time of worship, community and renewal where you will find caring, laughter and maybe a little irreverence. Dinner afterward will be back in the Garden Room tonight! We’ll have minestrone, fresh cornbread, cheese, salad and plenty of cookies!! …
Bible Study Hiatus Today
Bible study is on hiatus today – But not to worry! We’ll be back together next Monday! In the meantime, here are the readings for this week. Post thoughts, questions or observations and we can discuss there! Luke 21 When some were speaking about the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and gifts dedicated to God, he said, …
Another way . . .
I love the way Jesus deals with the religious leaders who are trying to trip him up. Each time they come to him with a question or a test or a trick, Jesus answers, but seldom does he answer the exact question they raise. He really doesn’t tell them their answer is wrong. Over and over, Jesus shows the people …
Sunday Lunch!
After the 10:30 am worship service at Grace Lutheran Church this week, we’ll be offering lunch for the students! Come to the Fireside Room, or watch for Alicia in the church lobby after worship and she’ll help you get there! Delicious homemade food, great company and a little time together before you get to your Sunday afternoon tasks (or nap)! …
Worship Thursdays at Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
At 5:45 pm, Evening Prayer worship begins! If you arrive early and want to relax in the couches in the lobby, you may find other LSC folks doing the same! This relaxed worship service is a great time to set aside the demands of the week and join in prayer together. Holy Communion is shared, and you are welcome! Dinner …
Monday Bible Study – 4 November 2013
Luke 20 27Some Sadducees, those who say there is no resurrection, came to him 28and asked him a question, “Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother dies, leaving a wife but no children, the man shall marry the widow and raise up children for his brother. 29Now there were seven brothers; the first married, and died …
A friend of mine is a potter. Dawn can take a lump of clay and make it into something amazing. The clay spins on a wheel, while she shapes it into something beautiful and useful. However, there are times when she will stop, take a cup or a bowl or a pot from the wheel, and start all over. She …
Time Change this Weekend!
Fall Back this weekend! On Sunday, November 3rd, 2013 at 2:00 am set your clock back to 1:00 am! (Thanks to my colleague, Paul Petersen, campus pastor at the UW-LaCrosse for this lovely photo-reminder!)
Thanksgiving Potluck!
Get a little taste of Thanksgiving before break! Students will gather for dinner in the Fireside Room as usual after 6 pm worship on November 17th, and we’ll enjoy turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing and whatever fixings people bring! Show off your cooking skills on the classics (sweet potatoes, salad, cranberries), try something innovative (creamed turnips, soy stuffing, swiss chard salad) or …
Faith + Feminism
Does Faith and Feminism seem like a paradox to you? Join Triota at Penn State and Alicia Anderson, campus minister at Lutheran Campus Ministry at Penn State to discuss how faith and feminism can work together. Students of any faith background (or no faith background) are invited. We’ll meet on November 18 at 7pm in 118 Willard. Hope to see …