We are community.
Penn State is a big place with plenty of opportunities to be part of the nameless crowd. Lutheran Student Community will give you a chance to be part of a community where people talk, listen and share the challenges and joys of campus life. Learn More >>
Come as you are!
The Lutheran Student Community of Penn State is an intentionally safe place – open to all students – regardless of faith background, church denominational history, economic status, political affiliation, ancestry, color, national origin, race, sexual orientation or gender identity, disability or handicap, political persuasion, age, or academic standing.
Student Signup
Friends & Supporters Newsletter Signup
Worship with us
There are plenty of opportunities with our community. Weekly worship is offered Thursdays on campus at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, as well as Sunday services in the morning and evening at Grace Lutheran Church on South Garner Street.
Need someone to talk to?
Don’t know what you believe? Struggling with relationships? Need a listening ear? If you are feeling distressed or troubled, if you can’t quite sort things out, if you just want to talk, you are welcome to contact our Campus Minister, Alicia Anderson. Part of why our staff is here is so that we can provide emotional, spiritual, and other support to students when they most need it!
Alicia is available by email at ara2@psu.edu or by text or phone at (814) 360-0601.
Calendar of Events
Recent Blog Posts
abundant crumbs
In the gospels we find all sorts of stories about Jesus healing people. Healing is at the core of who Jesus is and the ways God impacts the world, then and today. The stories of healing are all different because each person, each situation, each need, is different. This week’s story begins outside the Jewish territory, where Jesus is something
weekly prayer: 9/10
O God, Open my mind to see the people around me as you see them. Open my heart to realize how I can share the abundance of your gifts with those around me. Open my spirit to know that we all are your beloved children. As you were moved by the words of a woman seeking healing, move me
Wednesday Diner at Grace Lutheran
Join the community at Grace Lutheran Church for dinner on Wednesdays! This inter-generational meal features home-cooked food and is free for Penn State students! Weekly September through April at 5:15-6:30 pm in Harkins Hall (below the worship space). You’ll find lots of great food and friendly people every week! On September 11 you’ll also find campus minister Alicia Anderson!
Mark 7:24-37
What are the ways you live that reflect your commitment to God? In this week’s gospel reading, the religious leaders notice some of Jesus’ disciples were not doing traditional ritual washing before eating. Pharisees were a group of religious experts committed to carefully following the rules of religious observance. They prioritized both rules found in scripture (laws) and practices of
weekly prayer 9/3
Loving God, Help me to live what I truly value. Help me to act in loving ways, even when it is hard. Show me how to be generous and compassionate. Move me to care for the needs around me. Help me to see beyond the details of following you, to seek the broader view shaped by your call to love