Food Drive for mid-winter!

Food banks are incredibly busy during the holiday season, donations roll in to help provide Thanksgiving and Christmas meals for families who don’t have enough to eat.  November and December are an amazing time for sharing food!

In January and February, donations fall off, but still there are families who need food assistance.

LSC is partnering with Thrivent and Janet Grassmeyer to gather food donations to help supply our local food banks in January.

You can:

Bring donations along with you to worship or dinner or Bible study or any other event! 

Pick up a donation bag and invite your roomate or floormates or friends to help you fill the bag!

Make a donation to the State College Area Food Bank or another food bank you know about.

Help feed those who are hungry, even now that the holidays are over.

Questions?  Contact Alicia Anderson at

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    (814) 865-0715 |

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