Mary’s song

Alicia AndersonNews

On Thursday evenings when we gather for worship on campus, we use the evening prayer liturgy, singing the ancient story of an angel announcing to Mary that she will give birth to the messiah.  We sing together Mary’s response accepting the responsibility, naming God’s commitment to the vulnerable and powerless while humbling the powerful and privileged.  This story is at …

weekly prayer: 12/19

Alicia AndersonNews

O God, Empower me to sing with Mary of your faithfulness and love. Help me to see your commitment to the vulnerable and powerless. Use me to work for justice and love in the world. Remind me that you are here. Amen. My soul proclaims your greatness, O God and my spirit rejoices in you. You have looked with love …

Luke1:26-38 and Luke 1:46-55

Alicia AndersonNews

Luke 1:26-38 26In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, 27to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28And he came to her and said, “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.” 29But she was much perplexed by his …


Alicia AndersonNews

Mark’s gospel begins Jesus’s story not with an account of the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth, but instead with the words of two great prophets of Israel.  First, we hear Isaiah foretelling a messenger in the wilderness, calling the people to prepare for the messiah. Then we hear both a description of John, that very messenger, and his words about Jesus. …

Worship Thursday December 14th!

Alicia AndersonNews

Worship during Finals Week! Gather for a relaxed and community-built time of worship on Thursday at 6 pm in the Worship Hall at Pasquerilla Spiritual Center.  There is music, prayer, reflection together, and lots of opportunity to connect with other students. It is a helpful way to set aside the the demands of finals week and de-stress. After worship, we …

weekly prayer: 12/12

Alicia AndersonNews

O God, Show me that you are here in the world, bringing new life. Through friends and family, point to your presence. Through neighbors and strangers, remind me that you are here. Help me to see the countless ways you fill the world with compassion and hope. Empower me to see and share your justice and love. Amen. pointing | …

Finals Week Options at Pasquerilla

Alicia AndersonNews

There are plenty places to study at Pasquerilla Spiritual Center for you to study this week during finals! Come by and find a spot that works for you! Check out the study break/meal options, too! Thursday at 6 pm, Lutheran Student Community / Lutheran Campus Ministry will hold Evening Prayer in the Worship Hall. If folks are free for dinner …

Mark 1:1-8

Alicia AndersonNews

1The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 2As it is written in the prophet Isaiah, “See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,  who will prepare your way; 3the voice of one crying out in the wilderness:  ‘Prepare the way of the Lord,  make his paths straight,’ ”4John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for …


Alicia AndersonNews

If you or your congregation would like to help tell the story of campus ministry, here are some resources that are formatted as bulletin inserts. Feel free to use in newsletters or congregational emails as well! Imagine Flyer Program Flyer Voices Flyer Photos Flyer Please contact Alicia Anderson if you need help with any of these resources or need them …

Weekly prayer

Alicia AndersonNews

You surprise me, God. You bring me love and hope and new life into moments of despair. You bring possibility and potential into places that seem desolate. You bring light into the shadowy corners of our world, and of my soul. Help me to see you in places, events, and people where I don’t expect you. Help me to remember …