As people of faith, we join together in offering our joys and concerns to God. Some things to pray about this week: Those affected by hurricane Irene. We pray for people preparing for the landfall, people in the midst of the storm, and people cleaning up afterward. Students beginning their studies on the PSU campus and across the globe. We pray …
God’s Work. Our Hands.
Every week at Thurday evening worship on the Penn State campus, students hand the bread and wine to each other, saying “The Body of Christ, broken for you” and “The blood of Christ, given for you.” At first, when faced with the responsibility of handing that pottery chalice to the next person in line, some students are a little horrified. But …
Devotional Resources
There are many places to find devotional reflections on the interenet. Click on the photo for a few we suggest. Upper Room Daily Reflections God Pause Daily Devotions