Yesterday Joe asked me what “Maundy” means and I had forgotten, so I went to look it up. A little embarrassing for a campus minister!
In reference to Jesus’ telling the disciples to wash one another’s feet, “Maundy” means “command”, with the same root as “mandate”.
Get out there and love one another, as I have loved you.
No hesitating, no excuses, no exceptions.
You are loved by God. Without condition and without exception. Now, no one mistakes you for God, but go do what you can to love the people in your life the same way. Without condition and without exception.
That night, Jesus also shared bread and wine with his followers, and invited them to do that same thing when they gathered. He promised to be with them when they gathered, in the bread and wine. When we gather, we feast on God’s presence, and then go out to find ways to live God’s love.
That’s a command that will change our lives, and the world. — Alicia
> Maundy Thursday worship and dinner are blended together tonight, so come to the Garden Room at Pasquerilla Spiritual Center for a community meal with conversation and worship, too.
Check the Holy Week Schedule for everything that is going on!
Loving God,
I am grateful for your love, endless, faithful, uplifting and free.
I am eager to love some of the people in my life;, the ones who bring me joy or saftey or a good laugh.
I am not into loving some of the other people in my life; the ones who have hurt me or disagree with me or don’t even know I exist.
Help me to love, both when it is a delight and when it is an effort.
Help me to see that my love will change the situation, and it will change me.