I’ve been away from home last week and this week. I’m in Minnesota helping my daughter and son-in-law who just had a baby. I could go on and on about the wonders of new babies, but I’ll save that for another time. These days, as I’ve been with this new little family, I’ve noticed the neighbors, friends, health care staff, along with family members near and far reaching out with meals or laundry or gifts or brief texts of encouragement. This has me thinking about the ways we humans walk with each other in times of joy and struggle, times of transition and need. We are truly designed for community.
In challenging and joyful moments, we see the love and compassion of God. When someone offers us kindness or support or a home-cooked meal, we experience the love of God through their actions. When we reach out in care or generosity to someone, we live out the love that God pours upon us daily. God’s relentless love pulls us toward each other, and moves us to compassion, generosity, and care.
Lately, I’ve seen God’s love in hot meals, a comfy guest room, mowing the lawn, buying groceries, listening and telling stories, doing laundry, helping clean, and (of course) holding a baby. Where have you seen God’s love lived out lately? Take a look. God’s love is all around.