
I am always amazed at the way the sun can transform my weary spirit!  After a few days of cloudy and dreary weather, the sun has brought welcome light and joy.  Looking at the brilliant blue of the sky with barely a cloud in sight, something in my chest lifts, my spirits feel lighter, and I can’t help but smile.  It is wonderful to sit on the deck after dinner while the setting sun bathes the western sky in a lovely orange glow.  Even sitting inside at my desk working is more pleasant when through the window I can see the patterns of sun and shadow in the grass and trees outside.  I am a big fan of a sunny day.

I expect that science has explored the biology and chemistry behind the hope that fills me on a day of sunshine.  There are surely hormones and synapses connected to the well-being I notice on a sunny day, especially after a stretch of cloudy days.  I don’t need to understand it.  I am happy to simply enjoy the way I feel on sunny days.

When I pray with phrases that call God the “source of light and life” or similar words, these are some of the feelings and images that come to mind.  Of course, I am also talking metaphorically about the ways God’s presence and promises fill our minds with hope.  Yet I am also remembering the way my emotions and spirit are moved when I am bathed in sunlight eating lunch outside with a friend, when I look up into the bright blue sky walking across campus, or when I see the shafts of early morning sunlight break through the woods on a morning walk. 

May the beauty and hope of sunlight and the love of its creator fill you with hope and joy this day.



weekly prayer

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