Maundy Thursday Zoom

 Human beings tell stories in order to make sense of the world.  The Bible is a collection of stories that help us make sense of who God is, and who we are as the people of God.

 These stories are joyful, sad, difficult, even funny, like all the stories that matter to us.   On Maundy Thursday, we will share stories from our faith tradition and from our lives. All these stories can help us see and understand how God’s story is woven together with our own stories.

Join the zoom with a meal or snack if you wish. If we were gathering in person, we’d share a meal together. This will be a casual and conversational worship opportunity.

Contact Alicia Anderson, Campus Minister ( if you would like more information.

You can find the Worship Text Here

You can find the zoom link here.

You can request prayers here.

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    (814) 865-0715 |

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