Summer Staff needed at Camp!

Mount Luther, the camp of the Upper Susquehanna Synod, is looking for qualified individuals to fill several positions this summer.  Below is a brief description of each of the positions we still need to fill for Summer 2016.

• Counselors- serve as the heart of the camp staff, tasked with making the camp run smoothly in its daily mission; provide for the care of the basic needs of campers either in camp or on a trip camp; exemplify a positive Christian
witness.  We need both male and female applicants.

• Craft Director- responsible for the craft program including leading craft sessions for each group; provides general staff support as needed and potentially will help with some programming elements each week.  We would entertain hiring an adult from the local area who could come in a few hours each day to do crafts with our campers.

• Head Lifeguard- responsible for the aquatics program including lifeguarding during water activity times; takes care of the maintenance of the pool facility.  This position could also work “part-time” in another area of camp, based on need and interest.  Those areas could include counseling, kitchen, maintenance, and/or programming.

If you or someone you know is interested in any of these positions, please contact Chad Hershberger, Executive Director, at 570-922-1587 or  An application packet is available on the right hand
side of the following webpage:




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