Watching a colorful sunset. Listening to the crashing waves of the ocean. Feeling cool grass in our toes. Smelling a pine grove on a hot day. Walking along a quiet path or trail. Hearing birds singing in the distance. Seeing the dazzling blue sky.

Often, we find a particular connection with God when we notice the beauty of creation. We realize that we are just a part of a wide, diverse, complex and lovely world. We may gain perspective, find peace, and are refreshed by just a short encounter with nature out in the wilderness or in our own neighborhood.

This week, you can blend worship with nature at Grace Lutheran Church’s Sunday morning worship service at Tussey Mountain. While the 8 am and 9 am services will be held in the church building as usual, the last morning service today will be held at Tussey Mountain, with sky and trees, breezes and bird song close at hand.

Just dress for the weather (look like it will not rain, but it will be cooler than we’ve had lately) and meet at Grace’s ramp entrance (nearest Garner Street) at 10:30 am. We will share rides out to the pavilion and worship together. After worship, you are welcome to enjoy a bountiful church picnic for lunch before heading back to campus! You’ll be glad you did!

Through this week, notice the beauty around you. Campus and State College are beautiful places, where nature is woven into the neighborhood. Take a trip to the Arboretum, or along one of the trails in town. Or just stop for a bit on the sidewalk through Hort Woods. Remember that God is the source of all creation, and God is present in our lives through the trees and the wind and the stars, the birds and the ocean and the wind. All creation bears witness to Gods’ love.


God of all creation,

You are the source of the mountains and sea.

The one who made all the animals and birds and fish and even insects.

Help me to see you in your world.

The amazing blue vastness of the sky.

The startling strength of the wind or a storm.

The careful movements of a squirrel.

The impossible lightness of a flying bird.

The peace of the trees.

My days are filled with buildings and people, assignments and lectures, readings and deadlines.

Help me pause to see your work, and to marvel.

Help me to find my place in your beloved, bless and beautiful creation.


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