Come, set aside your stress, and find peace for a little bit. Set aside your worry, and laugh together with others. Set aside your hunger, and feast . . . there is plenty to feed your body, mind and spirit!
Each Thursday, a small group gathers for worship with prayer, song, readings, reflection and communion. We gather around bread and wine, we gather together as community. It is lively and kind, peaceful and engaging, familiar and totally unknown. You are welcome!
If you arrive before 5:45 pm, you may find folks gathered in the lounge area in the lobby of Pasquerilla Spirual Center, and worship is held in the Worship Hall there – we carve out a space at the front of the hall – and fill it with our song and prayer and community. Come and see.
Immediately after worship, we gather in the Garden Room for dinner. Everyone is welcome!
Can’t make it this week? Not to worry! Worship is offered every Thursday during the academic year, so there’s always next week!