Thanksgiving Potluck!

Get a little taste of Thanksgiving before break!

Students will gather for dinner in the Fireside Room as usual after 6 pm worship on November 17th, and we’ll enjoy turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing and whatever fixings people bring!

Show off your cooking skills on the classics (sweet potatoes, salad, cranberries),  try something innovative (creamed turnips, soy stuffing, swiss chard salad) or pick up something that doesn’t require any preparation at all (rolls, drinks, pie)!  Students without cooking facilities, not toworry!  We can match you up with someone with a kitchen or make arrangements for you to use a kitchen at Grace!

Visit the facebook event to see what people are bringing and add your items to the list! (and don’t worry vegetarians – we’ll have tasty things for you!)

Want more info?  Alicia at!

Come enjoy the meal!

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