Faith for Thought: Seeds of Hope

What is “Faith for Thought”?  Faith for Thought is a one-day conference on September 28th in State College where we explore together how Christian faith connects with our everyday lives.  This year’s event is being held at Grace Lutheran Church.

This year’s theme is  “Seeds of Hope” focusing on the scriptural understanding of human stewardship within the interconnected community of all creation, the nature of hope in the context of contemporary ecological crises, and the possibility of an authentically Christian response.

From the event website:  “Most participants will be students (undergrad and graduate), but the conference is open to anyone who wants to relate real faith – in all its depth – to real life – in all its complexity. Faith for Thought is about conversation, sharing and learning from one another: it is a safe space for questions.  A full day of multi-sensory engagement with our theme! This includes opportunities to interact with one another over food and conversation (breakfast and lunch are provided); provocative key-note speakers; more intimate break-out sessions exploring issues in greater depth; gathered worship and music; panel discussions; hands-on (tactile) sessions; and a conference bookstore.”

Grace Lutheran Church is co-sponsoring this event on Saturday, September 28th and it will be held at Grace. Registration and more information is at Cost is $20, but LSC will pay half – just $10 for a day of learning and conversation, plus breakfast and lunch!  What a deal! Questions?  Contact Alicia Anderson at



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