
Gathering for worship is central to our lives together as Christians in the Lutheran Student Community. You will find a welcoming community and a place seek God’s love and presence. All of our worship services are open to the campus community and everyone is welcome to participate as a member of the gathered community.

Worship Services

Mid-week Evening Prayer

Thursdays at 6 pm | Worship Hall at Pasquerilla  
Evening Prayer includes song, prayer, and reflection for a break in the midst of your week.  This is a place to truly find community on campus. Interactive reflection on the readings will give you something new to consider. Dinner is offered afterward each week and everyone is welcome.

What to expect: Students gather in the lobby outside the Worship Hall before this service begins, and then make their way in together at 6 pm.  Arriving late is ENTIRELY ACCEPTABLE.  This small, laid-back worship gathering meets in a circle at the front of the large Worship Hall with candles at our center.  As people gather, we ask for joys and concerns for the prayers, and ask for volunteers to read the psalm or gospel.  Volunteers are also welcome to help sing the leader portions. Music is led by piano, played by a student musician.  There will be a chance to explore the readings with either questions, conversation, or a short sermon.   Dinner afterward is a great time to relax and chat about life, campus, faith, current events or silliness.  Some weeks there are topics or games, but there is always a chance to talk and share.

Sunday Morning Worship

Sundays at 8, 9 and 10:30 am | Grace Lutheran Church
Come to a welcoming worship service in a regular congregation with Holy Communion each week. Everyone from babies to grandparents will be there and students are always invited!  You’ll find Campus Minister Alicia Anderson there to greet you and make connections.  Each week students gather for lunch together afterwards!

What to expect: You will find everyone from babies to grandparents in Sunday morning worship.  8 am is led with piano and is a bit simpler. Usually at 9 am and 10:30, music will be led by the organ and there will be a choir (adult, youth, children) or small ensemble.  Hymns are from the hymn book in the pew. There is a bulletin with the rest of the service.  Communion is open to all and the ushers will guide you to the wafers and wine (gluten-free wafers and non-alcoholic juice are available).  After the 10:30 service (at about 11:40 am), lunch is offered for students.

Sunday Evening On Campus 

Sunday Evening once a month at 7 pm | Eisenhower Chapel at Pasquerilla Spiritual Center 

Gather for simple, casual worship with communion, prayer, and music in Eisenhower Chapel at Pasquerilla Spiritual Center at 7 pm one Sunday each month.  There will be time for reflections, silence, and prayers.  Make connections, reflect, and center yourself before the week begins.  September 8, October 13, November 10, December 15, January 19, February 16, March 16, April 20, and May 4.

What to expect: You will find a quiet and contemplative setting with candles and simple music.  There will be silence and times to share your thoughts about the readings as well as things you’d like to pray for.  Commuion will be casual and all are welcome at the table.  The whole gathering is about 40 minutes long.

Get Involved

Your gifts for leadership are always welcome! If you’d like to help with music, reading, hosting, communion, set-up or something else, we would love to know!  Contact Alicia Anderson at ara2@psu.edu.

What you can help with: Anything. Really.  Students are welcome in choir, small ensembles, playing instruments, singing the liturgy, reading lessons, serving communion, ushering, working with children’s programs or other opportunities at any service.  You can reach out to campus minister, Alicia Anderson, to connect with any of these opportunities!