Take a break and do a couple surveys!! No studying! No trick questions! You already know all the answers!! We would like some feedback about topics and schedules for Bible study and other discussions. Follow this link to tell us what works for you for Monday Lunch Bible Study: LINK Follow this link to tell us what other Bible study …
“When was it that we saw you . . . ?”
Monday Lunch Bible Study –17 November 2014 Bible study is on hiatus this week and next – Alicia has a conflict today, and next week is Thanksgiving Break. However, you’ll find this week’s gospel and some reflection questions below. Matthew 25:31-46 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on …
The Parable of the Talents
Monday Lunch Bible Study –10 November 2014 Gather and talk about this puzzling parable over lunch today in Redifer between 12:15 and 1:15 pm. We’ll try for a round table near the stairway from Louie’s – check facebook around noon for the exact location. Bring or buy your lunch and join the conversation! Matthew 25:14-30 14 “For it is as if …
“Look! Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’
Monday Lunch Bible Study 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm –27 October 2014 Come gather in Redifer (round tables to the right at the bottom of the stairs most weeks) and talk about the gospel lesson for the coming week! Share your thoughts, raise questions and explore the story of Jesus. Bring or buy your lunch and add your voice to the …
“Blessed are the . . . “
Monday Lunch Bible Study –27 October 2014 – Redifer 12:10 – 1 pm Been thinking you’d like to make time for Bible Study? Well, bring your lunch and come join the conversation about this coming Sunday’s gospel reading! We meet in Redifer (round tables near the windows – check facebook around noon for the exact location), come by! Can’t make it? …
“. . . you will be free indeed.”
Join the conversation at lunchtime on Mondays! Bring or buy your lunch, and come to Redifer for a relaxed conversation about the Gospel lesson for the coming Sunday. Check facebook for an exact location (but usually we’re at a round table near the windows). No experience needed! Can’t make it? Just check the readings and reflection questions below! Reformation Sunday – …
“Give therefore to the emperor . . .”
Monday Lunch Bible Study –13 October 2014 Come to Redifer between 12 noon and 1:15 pm Mondays for a relaxed conversation about the Gospel reading for this coming Sunday. We’ll read it together, then talk through our reactions and questions – no advance prep or experience is required! Bring your lunch (or buy it there) and look for Alicia at …
Monday Lunch Bible Study – 6 October 2014
Join the conversation in Redifer between 12:10 and 1:15 pm! Bring or buy your lunch – no preparation is needed! Check facebook for a post at noon with Alicia’s exact location! See you there!! Matthew 22 Once more Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying: 2The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet …
monday lunch bible study – 29 september 2014
Come talk about the Gospel for this coming Sunday at Redifer between 12:15 and 1:15 pm – bring or buy lunch and watch for Jon in the round tables (Alicia will be out of town today)…check our facebook page for an exact location around noon! Matthew 21 33Listen to another parable. There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, put …
Monday Lunch Bible Study – 22 September 2014 Redifer 12 noon – 1:15 pm – bring our buy your lunch and join the conversation about next Sunday’s Gospel reading. Go to the LSCfacebook page on Monday to find out our location. Can’t make it? Check out the reading and some reflection questions below. Matthew 21 23When [Jesus] entered the temple, …