Volunteers needed Thursday!

Alicia AndersonNews

The Central PA Food Bank and YMCA of Centre County’s Anti-Hunger Programs offer community food distributions in the parking lot at Grace Lutheran two Thursdays each month. You can join other volunteers between 1:45 pm and 6 pm and help with with setup, pre-packing food items, check-in, or putting food into cars. Volunteers are welcome just part or for the …

Mark 13:1-8

Alicia AndersonNews

As [Jesus] came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher, what large stones and what large buildings!” 2 Then Jesus asked him, “Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left here upon another; all will be thrown down.”  3 When he was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John, and Andrew …

small gifts

Alicia AndersonNews

When have you felt seen or acknowledged for something small you’ve done or offered? Jesus is in the temple.  The temple is a massive and impressive building with crowds of people milling around and streaming through.  People from every level of society are all there: rich and powerful, poor and struggling, well-educated and influential, vulnerable and powerless, too.  Some have …

weekly prayer: 11/12

Alicia AndersonNews

O God, You see me. You see that I am trying to follow you. You notice the tiny ways I love my neighbor, work for justice, care for the outcast. You empower me to live with compassion and forgiveness, even when it is hard. You are transforming the world with your love, one little moment at a time. Remind me …

Mark 12:38-44

Alicia AndersonNews

38 As [Jesus] taught, he said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, 39 and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets! 40 They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.”  41 He sat down opposite the …

Grad Students! Friday, Nov 15!

Alicia AndersonNews

Gather with other graduate students for dinner at the home of Janet and Earl from Grace Lutheran Church! There will be great conversation, chili (turkey, beef, and maybe veg if there are vegetarians), cornbread, salad, and dessert! If the weather cooperates, there will even be a fire and s’mores! Make time to relax and get to know other graduate students …

all saints

Alicia AndersonNews

November 1st is All Saints Day when we remember those who have died while following Jesus.  We remember not only heroes of the faith through the ages, but also, the quiet everyday heroes of the faith who have been part of our own lives. People who taught us about the love of God.  People who explained to us what they …

weekly prayer: 11/5

Alicia AndersonNews

O God, When I struggle with loss or sorrow, you are there with compassion. When I face pain or sadness, you are touched by my pain. When I grieve, your care and compassion surround me. Help me to feel your presence when I am hurting. Help me to know your love in my struggle and sorrows. Help me to feel …

Election Day Prayer

Alicia AndersonNews

At long last, we’ve made it to election day.  Whew. God of peace, Be with our nation today. Comfort people who are uneasy and nervous. Sustain voters in long lines. Give strength to election officials working at polling places. Guide candidates and partisans to be honest, patient and respectful. Soothe fears and bring us together in care and compassion. Remind …

Hurrican Relief at Spring Break

Alicia AndersonNews

We are looking at working with our United Methodist (Abba Java) friends and Lutheran Disaster Response to help with hurricane relief this March for spring break. Details are still being sorted out, but we’d travel via van March 8 – 15, 2025 most likely to North Carolina or eastern Tennessee. There would be a small cost for each participant which …