On Sundays at 11:40 am or so (after the 10:30 am worship service), gather in the Fireside Room at Grace Lutheran Church for a delicious lunch and great conversation with other students and folks from Grace. You are always welcome, the conversation is casual and it is an excellent way to connect with students and others who worship together. Come …
Penn State Powwow
February 24 and 25 Powwows are American Indian celebrations of community and spirituality, featuring American Indian drum and dance as well as American Indian vendors offering American Indian arts and crafts items. Join the American Indian community at this year’s Penn State Powwow on Saturday, February 24. If you would like to go with a group from LSC on Saturday …
February 18-24
Intercessory Prayer: Praying for others Praying for others is a well-known kind of prayer. When we worship together, we always pray for people in various kinds of need. We may gather prayers at the start of worship, or pray on our own when we know of people who we’d like to ask God to help. Praying for others this week: …
praying thru Lent
Prayer is at the heart of life of faith. Connection with God, with God’s people and creation, and also with ourselves. Prayer reminds us to invite God into the challenges and joys of our lives, and helps us create a pattern of including God in our daily joys, struggles, and concerns. Each week this Lent we will try out a …
Mark 1:9-15
9In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. 11And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” 12And …
This week’s reading brings us to a high mountain with Jesus and a few of his closest disciples. While there, away from the crowds and other followers, Jesus is transfigured, appearing more beautiful and elevated, with unearthly-white dazzling clothes. Two great heroes of Jewish history have appeared and are there chatting with him. We read that the followers are terrified …
CSED Ethical Development Series
The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development is hosting an Ethical Development Series this semester. Join Danny Shaha on February 16 (11AM-12:30PM) in room 130 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center for a discussion on the topic of free speech and Leslie Laing on February 22 (1-2:30PM) in room 107 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center. These events will also be available virtually via zoom.
Ashes to Go on Ash Wednesday – 2/14
As Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday on February 14th, you’ll find campus minister Alicia Anderson and other campus ministers offering Ashes To Go on the Palmer Museum Plaza near the Forum from 9am to noon. Stop by and have a cross marked on your forehead in ashes to begin Lent, a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation for …
weekly prayer: 2/13
When I am afraid, help me to listen for you. When my life or the world seem out of control, help me hear you. When I need direction or clarity, help me to listen for you. Fill me with courage and peace as I hear love and your wisdom Guide me to people and places where I will find resources …
Sunday Lunch February 18
This week’s lunch is hosted by Mary, Stephen, and Colin Haynes! They are making a variety of pot pies (with and without meat – there will also be gluten-free options!) and bringing games, so come and take a little time to enjoy a delicious meal and some excellent company after the 10:30 am worship service at Grace Lutheran Church (205 …