Fall Back this weekend! At 2 am Sunday, November 6th, turn your clock back to 1 am. An extra hour of sleep!! ENJOY!
Praying this week
As people of faith, we join together in offering our joys and concerns to God. Some things to pray about this week: The leaders of the world’s nations. We pray for wisdom and good judgement. May those who lead the nations give their best to the people they serve, caring for the powerless and the unheard. May leaders find ways …
Thanksgiving Potluck Sunday November 13th
Sunday is our Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner! A perfect time to take a break from school work and the news and gather with LSC to give thanks and get some turkey before break! We’ll provide a delicious turkey and dressing and potatoes for Sunday, November 13th after the 6 pm worship service – students will bring the rest. Put your cooking …
Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration and Dinner
Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration and Dinner Thursday, November 10th – 6:30 – 8 pm (after worship) Garden Room at Pasquerilla Spiritual Center Come celebrate GRATITUDE with the interfaith community! Lutheran Campus Ministry will be preparing some food for the meal, you are invited to bring a non-perishible food item for the Food Bank and/or a story, prayer, scripture reading, …
Thursday Worship and Dinner this week!
Thursday Worship and Dinner Gather on Thursday afternoon for worship with song, scripture, reflection together, prayer and holy Commuion, plus something a little different for All Saints. Find some refreshment for your spirit in worship, and then refreshment for your body in dinner! At Pasquerilla Spiritual Center every Thursday – worship begins at 5:45 pm in the Worship Hall, dinner …
Gettysburg Seminary? Lunch Thursday!
Julie Stecker from the Lutheran Theological Seminar at Gettysburg will be at PSU on Thursday! You can meet her and talk about seminary! She will join us at worship and dinner Thurday evening to get a sense of student life and Lutheran Student Community at Penn State, and enjoy evening prayer with us! She is also happy to take you …
Why are you involved in LSC?
Grace Cramer (Sophomore in Nursing from DuBois, PA) “I always know I’ll find someone to listen at LSC. The support group is amazing and boosts me up each week. Also the free meals are delicious and can’t be beat!”
Why are you involved in LSC?
Alex Holmes (Junior in Health and Rehabilitation Services from Harrisburg, PA) “I’m always pumped to see familiar faces; it brings back that feeling of Home that comes with being part of a group of friends similar to that of belonging to a youth group. I also enjoy hearing all the different perspectives and I appreciate that fact that my opinion is …
Night Prayer Sunday
TONITE! Gather for quiet prayer at 9 pm on Sunday, October 30th in Eisenhower Chapel. Candles, prayerful songs, silence, images of Christ, prayers and readings will all help you talk with God about the concerns and joys of your life. Our brief worship (30 – 40 minutes) is based on worship at the Taize ecumenical Christian community in France. Come …
Blood Drive – November 17th
Volunteer at the Student Red Cross Blood Drive on November 17th between 9 am and 7 pm at the HUB! LSC his one of several organizations hosting this blood drive, so here’s your chance to help in a number of ways! 1. Give blood and help provide blood and blood products to patients in need 2. Volunteer and help those …