As the Season of Lent begins, people of faith all across the world will use the ancient practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving to move closer to God and God’s call for our lives. Here are a few resources that you may find helpful this Lent. See what works for you, or catches your attention. There is no right or wrong …
A pair of pooches
You may know that I have two dogs. One is an adult, and the other is a 7 ½ month old puppy. They are both delightful in their own way, but have very different personalities. Willow is 4 years old, and she is friendly enough, but she has always liked her own personal space. She prefers to dictate the who, …
On the street
Despite the bus heading toward me on Allen Street, I stopped in the crosswalk. As I make my way around campus, I’ve noticed that buses seem to be among the vehicles least likely to slow down or stop for a pedestrian to cross the street. In a way, I guess it makes sense. Drivers have a schedule to keep, are …
Daily Devotion Resources
A student asked me last weekend to suggest an online resource for daily prayer and reflection. Here is what I suggest looking at if you are interested. God Pause – From Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota 3-minute retreats – From Loyola Press, a Jesuit Publishing House in the Roman Catholic tradition Upper Room Devotionals – From an interdenominational ministry connected …
Ordinary Things
Bread and wine. God comes to us in a simple meal that was typical in the lives of the people Jesus lived among. Common, everyday food and drink, transformed by the promises of God. When we gather and re-tell the story of Jesus’ meal with his followers, we follow Jesus’ instruction to “do this in remembrance” of him. As we …
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction…. The chain reaction of evil — hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars — must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the …
Amazing. Surprising. Transforming. Unreasonable
God is present in the world. One part of the remarkable message of Christmas centers on this surprising notion. God, who could stay far away from the mess and trouble in this world, chooses to join us. God’s love for us is so great, God comes here. Amazing. Surprising. Transforming. Unreasonable. May this season of unreasonable love touch your …
Take a deep breath. Have dinner with a friend. Go for a walk. Listen to music that give you energy and enthusiasm. Pray for peace and strength. Call your mom for support. Sing along with Spotify. Eat a salad. Laugh. Take a nap. Get together with friends. There are countless ways to manage the stress and anxiety that crops up …
Advent hope
Advent, the season of preparation for Christmas, always begins with readings that talk about the end of the world. Unsettling images of violence and war. Danger and upheaval all around. Even creation is in the midst of turmoil. So much for peace on earth. Each year, these images seem to be reflected in the news reports we’ve heard recently. No wonder we …
travel reflections
I am traveling this week. Meetings in Minnesota have me on a pre-dawn flight out of University Park airport today. While I am a morning person, I am not a fan of getting up before the rest of my house, creeping quietly around getting ready, and turning off the lights on sleeping people and pets as I leave for several …