In the last chapter of the John’s gospel, the risen Jesus appears to Peter and some of the disciples at daybreak after they have spent a long, unproductive night fishing. At first, they don’t recognize the man who calls to them from the beach and suggests throwing out the net one more time . . . on the opposite side …
John 21:1-19
John 21:1-19 1 After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias; and he showed himself in this way. 2 Gathered there together were Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples. 3 Simon Peter said to them, “I am going …
A couple months ago, I wrote about my two dogs. I talked about how 4-year-old Willow and puppy Aspen were managing to share a home and life despite their different personalities. I used their example to invite us to think about the people who touch our lives, despite our differences, and to offer thanks for them. I am glad I …
Spring and new hope
The breeze is cool, but the sun is warm and the sky is bright blue. The grass is beginning to green, there is bird song as well as buds and flowers emerging all around campus. At last, spring has begun. Winter always seems long and dark, with its short days and long nights, icy winds and snow. As the seasons …
Holy Week. Every week.
Holy week certainly involves a wide range of emotions. We begin with Palm Sunday and Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem surrounded by the crowds celebrating and shouting Hosanna with joy, hope and expectation. Maundy Thursday brings a quiet, intimate and powerful evening where Jesus gathers the disciples over a meal. He uses bread and wine to invite his followers into …
Spring Break Service-Learning Trip to Miami
Nineteen Penn Staters spent Spring Break 2016 in Miami on a Service-Learning trip through Door Miami. In a whirlwind sampler of social and justice issues and agencies that address them in the Miami area, students and campus ministry staff learned about issues of aging, homelessness, immigration, farm work, poverty and discrimination. Kyle Snowberger (Senior in Aerospace Engineering from Chambersburg, PA) …
There is a story in John’s gospel where Jesus gathers for dinner at the home of Lazarus, whom he raised from the dead, and his sisters Martha and Mary. It is just a few days before Jesus is betrayed, tried and put to death. Martha waits at table, Lazarus is part of the group dining, and Mary brings an expensive …
Vulnerable Strength
The Gospel for last Sunday offers a unique and surprising image for God. . . a sheltering hen. Some Pharisees come to Jesus and warn him to leave, for Herod wants to kill him. Instead of saying thanks for the alert, then escaping to relative safety, Jesus tells them he is going to continue “casting out demons and performing …
Hear my prayer . . .
When was the last time you prayed asking God for something? What did you pray about? No matter when you last turned to God with a plea for help with something for yourself or someone dear to you, I am convinced that it made a difference. I have not found that each and every prayer I pray brings the desired …
“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Lent begins this Wednesday. Ash Wednesday. At worship services and street corners, Christians across the world will have ashes marked on our foreheads, and hear the words above that remind us of our mortality, our humanity, our limits. It is a somber ritual, of course, but also hope-filled. The …