Day dawns again with broken clouds and bits of sunlight. God of compassion, be with us in this time of trial and sadness. Console the suffering, encourage the despairing and move us today with the wisdom, courage and perseverence to continue the work before us. Amen.
Space for meditation and reflection tonight
Thursday, November 10th – 8:30 – 9:30 pm Worship Hall at Pasquerilla Spiritual Center Come for an opportunity for quiet meditation and reflection. Find a place to “be still” and seek God’s care and healing. Questions? Contact Alicia Anderson
Praying this week
As people of faith, we join together in offering our joys and concerns to God. Some things to pray about this week: The Penn State community. We pray for students and faculty, administrators and staff, alumni and other supporters. May we find healthy, helpful ways to deal with the confusion, anger, disappointment and disgust that recent events have caused. May we listen …
Please pray for our community
Please pray for the Penn State community and the State College community, and especially with anyone who is connected with the very sad Sandusky case. May God bring truth and healing and new wisdom. – Alicia Anderson, Campus Minister
Speaker: Richard Rohr
An Interfaith Dialogue: Action and Contemplation Monday, November 14th at 7 pm Pasquerilla Spiritual Center Worship Hall Father Richard Rohr is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province. He founded the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, NM. An internationally recognized speaker, he has traveled the world teaching on spirtuality, adult Christianity, politics and theology and non-dual thinking. …
Praying this week
As people of faith, we join together in offering our joys and concerns to God. Some things to pray about this week: The leaders of the world’s nations. We pray for wisdom and good judgement. May those who lead the nations give their best to the people they serve, caring for the powerless and the unheard. May leaders find ways …
Night Prayer Sunday
TONITE! Gather for quiet prayer at 9 pm on Sunday, October 30th in Eisenhower Chapel. Candles, prayerful songs, silence, images of Christ, prayers and readings will all help you talk with God about the concerns and joys of your life. Our brief worship (30 – 40 minutes) is based on worship at the Taize ecumenical Christian community in France. Come …
This week, the Gospel reading ends with Matthew telling us that none of the Pharisees dared ask Jesus any more questions. Like the Saducees, they had had tried to trap Jesus with tricky questions that would force him to say things they could criticize or condemn, or that would make him unpopular with the crowds who followed him. It didn’t …
Praying this week
As people of faith, we join together in offering our joys and concerns to God. Some things to pray about this week: Nations and communities in the midst of turmoil, transition and violence. We pray for stability and peace everywhere. May leaders emerge who are wise and committed to the good of all people. May healing among factions come quickly, and may …
Who is God?
Bible study this week! Gather in Room 216 Pasquerilla this Thursday at 8 pm and join in the conversation! We’ll be using a slightly silly video resource that will raise some questions about who God is and how God works in our lives and the world. We’ll be talking about scripture, God, and enjoy some irreverent, but very relevant conversation! …