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Lent: Sensing God – taste

lenten thoughts on taste Lent is a season when followers of Jesus intentionally try to move closer to God, so this year, we will try to move closer by considering the countless ways we encounter God through our senses. This week, we are focusing on taste. Our reflections are from Sue Ellen Spotts and Alicia Anderson. Sue Ellen and Alicia share some

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What helps you live in loving, forgiving, compassionate ways?  What resources help you notice the struggles and needs of others, welcome outsiders, and strive for justice?  What helps you regain hope and motivation to follow Jesus? Jesus tells a parable in this week’s gospel where a man finds a fig tree in his vineyard with no fruit.  He complains to

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weekly prayer: 3/25

O God, When I am tired and worn out, you are here. When I am struggling and broken, you are here. When I am weary and unable to live hope or love, you nurture and care for me. You tend my needs and nourish me so that I can heal and grow. You empower me to change and move and

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Campus Ministry Madness – Week 3 update!

All through March we are participating in Campus Ministry Madness with other Lutheran Campus Ministry sites across the nation! This lighthearted challenge between campuses is helping raise funds and increase visibility of campus ministry and its important work! Week 3 Results: LCM at Penn State is 24th out of 50 participating ministries! We still have raised nearly $300 for our ministry here, which

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Online survey

What would help you connect with God and grow as a person of faith? Lutheran Campus Ministry at Penn State is part of a project to create resources and connections for people of faith: things that will help us connect with God, grow as followers of Jesus, and live out the love of God in our daily lives.  We want

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Luke 13:1-9

1 At that very time there were some present who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.2 [Jesus] asked them, “Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were worse sinners than all other Galileans?3 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish as they did. 4 Or those eighteen who were

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Lent: Sensing God – Smell

lenten thoughts on smell Lent is a season when followers of Jesus intentionally try to move closer to God, so this year, we will try to move closer by considering the countless ways we encounter God through our senses. This week, we are focusing on smell. Our reflections are from Pastor Kevin Shock and Deacon Alicia Anderson. Kevin and Alicia share some

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Celebrating Seniors!

Congratulations! You have worked long and hard in your time at Penn State and reaching the point of graduation is truly a reason to celebrate! We are so proud of you for your dedication and hard work, and we are grateful that you have been part of our community in your time at Penn State. We want to make sure

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hen & chicks

What images for God resonate with you?  We talk about God using a wide variety of images to help try to understand the many ways we encounter God’s presence in the world and our lives.  We use mighty and transcendent images that help us talk about God who creates the whole universe.  Family images and relational images help us try

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weekly prayer: 3/18

O God, You tenderly gather us under your wings. You surround us with care and shelter and love. You provide for us, teach us, guide us. You fiercely stand against dangers and harm. You lament the struggles and brokenness of the world. You empower us to change ourselves and the world. Amen. hen & chicks | Jesus laments over Jerusalem

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