Prayer is at the heart of life of faith. Connection with God, with God’s people and creation, and also with ourselves. Prayer reminds us to invite God into the challenges and joys of our lives, and helps us create a pattern of including God in our daily joys, struggles, and concerns.
Each week this Lent we will try out a different approach to prayer for you to use through the week. We’ll share some information about that week’s type of prayer and some suggestions about how to use it. Spend just a couple minutes or spend much more time; whatever fits your life each day.
Lent is sometimes seen as a time of sadness and self-denial, but really, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation for Easter, a time when we seek to move closer to God.💜
Intercessory Prayer: praying for others – February 18-24
Thanksgiving Prayer: praying in gratitude – February 19-March 2
Confession Prayer: praying contritely – March 3 – 9