God’s reign

Some concepts are too complex for just one simple explanation.  All through the gospels and the letters of the New Testament, Jesus and his early followers try to explain the “reign of God” or “kingdom of heaven” with terms and images that resonate for the listeners of that day.  Through a variety of images, they help to tell the breadth and depth of what God intends for the world and for all creation.  

This week’s gospel includes a series of very brief parables where Jesus helps explain what God is up to in the world.  The tiny mustard seed in the field and yeast in the dough illustrate abundant growth from just a tiny beginning.  Parables of joyful discovery of hidden treasure shows valuable things are found in unexpected places.  A net filled with “fish of every kind” says that all are welcome and the task of sorting is left to heavenly beings and not you or me.

These parables illustrate God’s core priorities and values which are different from those of our culture and often our own impulses.  We find the “reign of God” wherever the teachings of Jesus on love, compassion, forgiveness, healing, and justice are present.  A tiny seed or spore can bring abundant growth and remarkable transformation.  Great treasures of God’s priorities are found in unexpected places. 

God’s reign is wholeness and peace in the broadest sense.  God’s reign is community where we all love and care for each other.  God’s reign is unconditional welcome and inevitable transformation.  No wonder Jesus uses these and many more images to help us understand what God is doing in the world.



weekly prayer | small parables from Matthew 13

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