ELCA Truth and Healing Movement

The ELCA’s Truth & Healing Movement is an opportunity for our denomination to increase our understanding of our colonizing impacts on Indigenous people in the past and present. Over the next several months, there will be opportunities to learn, raise awareness and engage in other ways to impact hearts and lives across this church. We believe that the truth, and our knowing and embracing it, is the first step toward healing for all of us.

Visit the Truth and Healing Movement page to learn more, get involved and share the Truth and Healing movement with others. Follow ELCA and Living Lutheran social media channels for more stories and updates.

Through the summer month, the ELCA Truth and Healing Movement webpage will provide opportunities to learn the true history and current realities of Indigenous people. It is these truths, truths that have been ignored by most for hundreds of years, that will bring healing for both Indigenous people and non-Indigenous people.

Some of these opportunities will be calls to individual action, and some will be activities that congregations and small groups should coordinate and participate in together. All these opportunities can be easily promoted by sharing links on social media or other communication platforms.

Here are some initial activities that you can share with your circles and networks. Watch this page as well as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for additional opportunities to engage.

Join others with LCM at PSU online or in person for the “Native Nations” documentary on June 7 and the National Indian Lutheran Board Panel Presentation on June 21. You’ll find more information here.

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