growing thru Lent – Week of April 2

I can help | giving We have so much to offer

We believe everything comes from God.  God creates all that there is and in loving generosity, shares everything with us and the rest of creation. We are blessed with all of creation, the people in our lives, the resources that surround us, the communities we are part of, the abilities we have, and even our own lives.  All this has its source in God’s good creation and comes to us because of God’s generosity.  We respond to God’s giving through our own generous actions to the world around us.  Motivated by God’s generosity toward us, we are generous toward others. Out of the abundance we receive from God, we help people and organizations and communities and creatures and causes.  Sometimes giving will lead us to share money or other resources, like time or expertise.  Other times, giving will lead us to a more generous attitude toward people bring compassion, patience, and kindness toward them.  We receive so much from God, so we are moved to give to others.  Mind you, it is not always easy to live out.  It can be hard, yet when we are able to be giving and generous, we are expanding God’s abundance, living God’s compassion, sharing God’s love.         

-When have you given to someone?  How did you feel when you gave?

-When has someone given to you?  How did it feel to receive?

-Where is there abundance in your life?  How can you share it?

-Where are there needs that you can help meet?

-Are there times you are not eager to share with someone?

Explore in ways that work for you

-This is a chance to reflect, consider, and perhaps take action.  There is no right way or wrong way.

-If you find them useful, try the questions to guide you in reflecting.

-Return to the questions a few times in the week.  You may discover something different when you return. 

-Feel free to share something you discover on our socials.

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