As people of faith, we join together in offering our joys and concerns to God. Some things to pray about this week:
We give thanks for the countless ways we are blessed. We thank God for the countless ways we are blessed. For the people who love us and help us. For the people we love and enjoy time with. For the opportunity to study at a university, which is not possible for so many in our world. For food in abundance, shelter that is more than comfortable, and the saftey to come and go as we please. For thousands of things that bring hope and opportunity and joy to each day, we give thanks.
We pray for everyone who does not have enough food for themselves or their families. May people who are unsure about their next meals find sources and resources to nourish themselves and their households. May people who have enough to eat share their resources and make it possible for others to eat. May the nations and agencies of the world work together to make food available across the globe. May we share our abundance with others. May no one be hungry anymore.
We pray for the world around us. May we look beyond ourselves and notice the needs of others. May we see the needs of the people who who we encounter in our classes, on the sidewalks, where we live, and online, and offer those needs to you. May we look beyond our own community and notice the needs of other communities. May we see the struggles and brokenness that other people encounter – near and far – and pray for them.
We pray for the Penn State community. May we come together to support those who have been hurt, share honestly to find the truth, and work to bring healing and wholeness.
We welcome your prayer suggestions and requests.