growing thru Lent – week of March 12

God’s word | reading scripture

Stories can show us so much

These weeks of Lent are a time when followers of Jesus seek ways to move closer to God.  This year, we’re inviting you to grow through focusing on a different element of faith each week.  Spending time reaching toward God may touch you in ways you didn’t expect.

The Bible is filled with many different kinds of writing.  Sometimes people mistakenly think it is a book of instructions for how people are supposed to live.  Not quite.  It is a collection of writings across many generations that, in various ways, tell the story of God and God’s connection with God’s people.  There are wonderful and uplifting stories.  There are disturbing and terrible stories. There are some passages that clearly lay out wisdom and principles that can guide choices we might make, and there are also passages that seem entirely irrelevant to the things we face today. There are remarkable poems and very dull lists. Together, these passages help us learn about who God is and what the people of God have thought about God and themselves through the ages.  As people following Jesus, Christians pay particular attention to the Gospels that recount the story of Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection (in four versions).  We also look closely at the letters sent to various communities of followers across the ancient middle east – these were written by the leaders of the movement who helped begin to spread the world. In addition, we read stories and other writings that have been sacred to the Jewish people for thousands of years.  Jesus and his early followers were Jewish and their understanding of God and the world helps lay the groundwork for our understanding.     

-Can you think of a favorite story or passage from the Bible?  What is it?  What makes it appealing to you?

Choose a passage to read (you’ll find some suggestions below, but read whatever you like) and consider the following questions:

-What does this story/passage seem to say about God and about people?

-Where do you see love or compassion or inclusion?

-Where do you see struggle or hurt or need?

-How does this story/passage relate to the joys or struggles of your life?

-What does this story/passage help you discover about God?

Explore and read in ways that work for you

-This is a chance to read, reflect and consider.  There is no right or wrong way. 

-If you find them useful, try the questions above to guide you in reflecting.

-Read something from the Bible a few times this week.  Read the same thing multiple times or something different.  

-Feel free to share what you discover on our socials.

Suggestions for reading this week: Psalm 23, Psalm 95, John 4:5-42, John 2:1-11, Romans 5:1-11, 1 Corinthians 13, Genesis 7, Genesis 11:1-9

You’ll find the readings at this link.

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