growing thru Lent – week of March 5

These weeks of Lent are a time when followers of Jesus seek ways to move closer to God.  This year, we’re inviting you to grow through focusing on a different element of faith each week.  Spending time reaching toward God may touch you in ways you didn’t expect.

I’m sorry | repenting

You don’t have to be perfect

Traditionally, there is a lot of focus on confessing and repenting during Lent.  That makes sense; we are human beings and we are not perfect.  Anyone who has spent time with other humans knows how imperfect we are.  God certainly knows it and yet God forgives us over and over.  God is always ready to forgive.  Jesus even invites us to forgive each other an unreasonably large number of times – which suggests that he means for us to forgive each other so often and so willingly that we lose count.  Of course, there is still accountability and there are consequences for our actions.  Yet God’s love for each of us continues, no matter what.  Our mistakes will never make God let us go.  I once heard Bishop Desmond Tutu tell an auditorium full of college students, “There is nothing you can do to make God love you more and there is nothing you can do to make God love you less.”   

God is all about forgiving because God is all about healing what is broken. 

-When is it hard to admit you made a mistake?

-When has it been easiest to ask someone for forgiveness?

-Is there something you would like to be forgiven for?

-Where are repenting and forgiveness important in your life?

Explore in ways that work for you

-This is a chance to reflect and consider.  There is no right or wrong way. 

-Some may resonate with you while others don’t.  That is totally ok.  

-If you find them useful, try the questions to guide you in reflecting.

-Return to each week’s element a few times in the week.  You may discover something different.  

-Feel free to share something you discover on our socials.

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