
Salt makes a difference. And so do you.

Jesus is teaching his followers using everyday examples that they can relate to.
Everyday examples we can relate to, as well.

When I was a kid, my mom went on an anti-salt health kick.  She had learned that salt can be bad for humans if we eat too much, and decided to limit the amount of salt in our family’s food.  So, the salt shaker was banned from the dinner table, and she eliminated salt from most of the things she baked or cooked.  Some foods were fine without the salt, but others were not.  At that time, my family had a tradition of spending Sunday evenings in the family room together, eating popcorn while we watched TV.  I was surprised, and relieved, that even though the salt was missing from most every other thing my mom served, there was still salt on the home-popped popcorn.

Salt does make a difference.  It doesn’t take a lot to add flavor, but it makes all the difference.

When Jesus calls his followers (and us) the salt of the earth, he is using an ordinary, everyday image to help teach that we change the world just by living lives that reflect our connection to Jesus. As his followers, we bring the priorities Jesus lived and taught into our own interactions.  Even just a little bit of love and forgiveness, or welcome and inclusion, or compassion and healing will change the flavor of our interactions, change situations, and eventually, will transform the world.

So, be salt and bring Jesus.  



weekly prayer | Jesus talks about salt in Matthew 5

(this reflection and prayer were originally shared in February 2020, but I liked them and wanted to share them again.)

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