scattered moments

Since January 6th, we have been in the church season of Epiphany.  It began as we observed the arrival of the magi who had followed a star from distant lands to find the infant Jesus.  All through these weeks, we’ve been exploring scripture passages that help tell the story of God bringing light (good news) to the world – the whole world.  This week was the final Sunday in this part of the church year, so we marked the Transfiguration where Jesus, accompanied by a few disciples, climbs a mountain to pray.  Once there, Jesus is transformed and radiates heavenly light, Moses and Elijah (great prophets of the Jewish faith) appear and talk with Jesus, and a voice comes from a cloud (shorthand for the voice of God) identifies Jesus as God’s son and tells them to listen to him.  Then, everything is normal again and Jesus and the disciples go back down the mountain and tell no one what happened.

That’s a pretty dramatic way of closing the season focused on God’s revelation to the world.  The disciples were so freaked out, they kept their mouths shut for a long time.  I don’t know what I’d do if I encountered God’s presence through heavenly beings and a voice from a cloud.  The ways I have encountered God’s presence in my life are a lot more subtle, and the same may be true for you.  I notice God during a deep conversation with a friend when I am weary.  In the feeling of peace and gratitude as I look at the bright blue sky on a sunny day.  While I laugh or cry together with people I love.  In the sense of satisfaction when I finish a task that uses my abilities in meaningful ways.  As I am moved by the beauty in a song or piece of music.

There are certainly are stories of dramatic experiences where people have found God’s presence.  Scripture has plenty of burning bushes, visiting angels, and voices from heaven.  Martin Luther attributed his decision to become a monk to his encounter with God in a violent thunderstorm on a journey.  We encounter God in dramatic and quiet ways all through our lives.  Like that glimpse the disciples had of Jesus transfigured on the mountain, we get glimpses of God regularly.  We see God in moments of beauty, in loving relationships, in times that justice and peace prevail, when we use our abilities to make a difference, in quiet moments of reflection.   God’s light in the world is scattered all through our lives.



Weekly Prayer | Jesus on the mountain in Luke 9

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