this is new

How are you doing with all this?  Social distancing. Self-quarantine. Remote instruction.
It is all new and unfamiliar and maybe unsettling.
I am praying for you.  I am praying for our whole world, really, but I am especially praying for students and others who are part of the Penn State community as we begin this time of “remote instruction” and “telecommuting.”  It is strange that our community is so dispersed and we are isolated.
May we find peace and courage in unfamiliar situations. 
May we be filled with patience and kindness when we need them most. 
May we see beyond our wants to the needs of those around us and the wider community. 
May we seek out healthy and helpful ways to deal with the stress and frustration that will inevitably arise.
May we look for moments of joy or blessing in the confusion and chaos.
May we step away from media and social media and look at God’s creation.  
May we find ways to laugh at what is funny in the world and in ourselves.
May we discover that we have remarkable resources to manage the limitations and demands of this pandemic, and the personal, interpersonal and other challenges it brings.
May we know, deep in our beings, that the God who creates, redeems and cares for us is with us each step of the way.
I’ll be sending out listserves a couple times this week, and you can always email or message me if you need a listening ear.   Sign up here if you aren’t already receiving them.
Follow LutheranPennState on Facebook and Instagram.  We’ll be posting things that seem helpful, informative, or amusing.
Peace, my friends.

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