Welcome! And Welcome Back!

Whether you are new to campus and Lutheran Campus Ministry, returning to campus and just finding us for the first time, or you’ve been involved for a while, WE ARE GLAD YOU’RE HERE!

As you find yourself working hard, studying hard and all those other things that make up campus life, remember that Lutheran St! udent Community provides a place to feed your spirit, explore your questions, make new friends and grow in faith and life! Take time out to care for your spirit and your sanity! You are always welcome!

If you want more information on what you see (or don’t see) in here or at our worship services or events, feel free to contact a staff person or council member!

Write To Us:

    Contact Us:

    Lutheran Campus Ministry 211A Pasquerilla Spiritual Center University Park, PA 16802
    (814) 865-0715 |

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