
What are the ways you live that reflect your commitment to God?    In this week’s gospel reading, the religious leaders notice some of Jesus’ disciples were not doing traditional ritual washing before eating.  Pharisees were a group of religious experts committed to carefully following the rules of religious observance. They prioritized both rules found in scripture (laws) and practices of their ancestors (traditions) and we often see them questioning Jesus. Despite what the gospel writer says, not ALL the Jews of Jesus’ day observed ritual hand washing. There was a wide range of religious observance at that time. In this passage, the Pharisees are essentially asking “why aren’t your followers showing their commitment to God in the ways we think are important? “

When we notice how the priorities we’ve chosen differ from the priorities we see reflected in the actions of others, it can be easy to judge. Certainly, that’s what the Pharisees have slipped into. Jesus’ response invites them to look at the context differently – to see that while these practices and rituals do serve as signs of who God is in their lives, they are only part of the answer. Jesus points out that it is possible to follow the rules while missing the larger meaning.  The ways we see and act toward our neighbors, friends, family, strangers, and even our enemies clearly indicate our values and priorities. Jesus invites the Pharisees to notice there are many ways humans harm each other, even while following the routines and practices that the community recognizes as religious or faithful.

Jesus invites those who follow him to take a broader view – to look beyond the details of the “rules” we may have inherited – to be guided by the priorities of loving our neighbor, caring for the needs of the world around us, and striving for justice and peace. These priorities move us to consider how our actions impact the world, the people in our lives, and even ourselves.



weekly prayer | Jesus talks about rules and priorities in Mark 7

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