Take some time out to reflect and pray using a labyrinth at Pasquerilla Spiritual Center. Labyrinths are an ancient contemplative tool used for personal and spiritual growth. Many Christian communities use labyrinth for prayer, reflection, and meditation.
Lenten Labyrinth
Wednesday, March 26th 3 – 5:30 pm
Pasquerilla Spiritual Center – Memorial Lounge
Labyrinths are geometrical patterns used for walking or tracing, as a tool to assist the consciousness. They have been in existence for thousands of years. No one knows for certain when or where they first originated. They have been used by different cultures and mystical and religious traditions worldwide.
Some patterns are simple and some are more complex.
A labyrinth differs from a maze in that there is only one way in and one way out. They have one continuous path that twists and turns, eventually leading to the center. There are no dead ends. There is nothing to figure out as you walk or trace a labyrinth. You simply follow the path to the center and then retrace the same path back out.
Stop by anytime during the hours above for a bit of quiet movement and reflection.