What images for God resonate with you? We talk about God using a wide variety of images to help try to understand the many ways we encounter God’s presence in the world and our lives. We use mighty and transcendent images that help us talk about God who creates the whole universe. Family images and relational images help us try and explain how God’s caring, nurturing and deep commitment. Images of daily tasks and duties or things we can observe in nature give us concrete images to explain God’s action. Images like wind or fire or quiet voice help us try talk about the less concrete ways we experience God. The list goes on and on.
Jesus uses a surprising concrete image in this week’s gospel. Some religious leaders come to warn Jesus that he is in danger from the local ruler, and Jesus is defiant and makes it clear he will stand his ground, despite the threat. Then, Jesus laments over the city and the people of Jerusalem; the capital of the nation and the place of the temple – center of both Jewish identity and religious life. He expresses sorrow that this important city destroys prophets and messengers of God. Unexpectedly, Jesus says, “How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her winds, and you were not willing!”
Jesus chooses a tender and also fierce image. A mother hen provides shelter and protection. By her example, she shows her chicks how to find food, water and shelter. She gathers them quickly when there are threats nearby. She stands up to dangerous creatures to defend her young. She gathers them under her wings, close to her body, offering warmth and the protection of her body. This surprising, yet powerful image speaks of devotion, care, and self-sacrifice.
There is a hauntingly beautiful song weaving together this mother hen image with the story of Jesus gathering the disciples for the last supper and the connection we find at worship together. It is perfect for these moments in lent.