Campus Ministry Madness – Week 2 Update!

All through March we are participating in Campus Ministry Madness with other Lutheran Campus Ministry sites across the nation! This lighthearted challenge between campuses is helping raise funds and increase visibility of campus ministry and its important work!

Week 2 Results: LCM at Penn State is 18th out of 50 participating ministries! We have raised nearly $300 for our ministry here, which is a good start, but we can do more!!

Help LCM at Penn State move up the leaders board and, even more importantly, support the transformational work happening through campus ministry nationwide! 

How can you help?

  1. Make a contribution to LCM at Penn State (or another other campus you care about) at the link below!
  2. Share posts and info throughout the month on social media! We get bonus points for each time our posts are shared!! Upload a screen shot to this folder.
  3. Invite friends and family who care about campus ministry to share our posts and contribute to support the transformational work of campus ministry at Penn State and elsewhere in the country!

March 3 – 30, 2025! Give today at

PLUS: Check out the Impact Stories on the LuMin at These stories are shared by the ministries taking part in CMM!

Help us raise visibility, dollars, and points now through March 30th!!

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    Lutheran Campus Ministry 211A Pasquerilla Spiritual Center University Park, PA 16802
    (814) 865-0715 |

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