
Sometimes the things Jesus invites us to do are tough.  Love my enemies?  Do good things for those who hate me? Pray for those who abuse me? Treat others as I would like them to treat me?  Really, Jesus?  You’ve got to be kidding.

When I read these words from Jesus’ teachings, some of the people in my life who have hurt or wronged me come to mind. They are people I don’t want to love, or do good things for, let alone pray for.  I don’t want to give them any more opportunities to misuse or hurt me, and I certainly don’t want to help them in any way. I would rather hold onto my anger and my righteous indignation.  I’d rather judge these people, dehumanize and reject them. Yet, as I try to follow Jesus, these are exactly the people Jesus asks me to treat with compassion, respect and generosity. Sigh.

When Jesus asks me to treat someone how I’d like to be treated, I find myself thinking about them differently.  My enemies become something more than opponents for me to stand against and reject. I begin to notice their humanity, their struggles, their frailties, their needs. I realize that Jesus asks me to be merciful, just as God is merciful.

There is a delicate balance to be found, though.  While Jesus calls us to do good to those who treat us poorly, Jesus does not call us to accept abuse or violence in his name, or to continue in a relationship with people who mistreat us.  Though Jesus urges us to do good rather than harm, he does not ask us to neglect our own safety or the safety of others while we do good.

Following Jesus is challenging.  Jesus asks us to set aside our initial reactions to being treated poorly and find it within ourselves to love, bless, and pray for, to help the very people who have hurt us.  Jesus invites us to treat troublesome people graciously, even generously. Following Jesus is not an easy road – we will encounter countless challenges along the way. Yet, when we respond with love and compassion and mercy, we join Jesus in bringing more light into the world.



weekly prayer | Jesus teaching in Luke 6

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