When have you felt seen or acknowledged for something small you’ve done or offered?
Jesus is in the temple. The temple is a massive and impressive building with crowds of people milling around and streaming through. People from every level of society are all there: rich and powerful, poor and struggling, well-educated and influential, vulnerable and powerless, too. Some have journeyed there from distant lands, and others live in Jerusalem, nearly in the shadow of the temple. It is loud and chaotic, with all the sounds, sights and even smells that are make up the scene of temple worship.
Jesus settles down in a busy place across from the spot where people drop their cash offerings that support the functioning of the temple. In the middle of all the noise and activity, Jesus notices a poor widow who puts in a tiny amount. He doesn’t focus on the rich who have made large contributions. He doesn’t talk about what the well-dressed scribes have given. He notices the poor widow and her contribution. She gives very little, though it is a tremendous amount for her.
In our world, today’s version of the impressive scribes or wealthy donors may seem to get all the attention, but in God’s way of seeing the world, the focus is on the poor widow. God isn’t distracted by the noise and commotion and impressive activity that can easily catch human attention. God’s priorities are vastly different from what human culture tends to value. God sees the smallest gift. God sees the tiny ways we are faithful and follow. God works to transform the world through our actions, even if they are small – instances of love and compassion, acts of forgiveness and justice, welcoming outsiders and loving our enemy. These contributions to the reign of God are among the ways God transforms our lives and transforms the world.