When I was a child, I noticed that one particular verse in this week’s gospel reading was very popular: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Though this is a well-known bit of scripture, it is complex and a bit tricky to unravel.
Jesus is talking with Nicodemus (a leader in the Jewish community who came privately to Jesus to learn more) and links a story of how the people of Israel were healed of poisonous snake bites when they looked at a bronze serpent set high on a pole with his own followers believing. The community following Jesus was struck by the similarity between the snake “lifted up” on a pole bringing healing and life to the people and Jesus “lifted up” on the cross at crucifixion, bringing healing and new life to the whole world.
As a child, I was sometimes told that “believes” was the key word here; people who believe don’t perish and have life eternally. Now when I consider verse 16, I read it a bit differently. Words like God loved, God gave, everyone are also important. The love of God motivates God’s generous action. If we add verse 17, we realize that God isn’t using belief or unbelief to sort people. God doesn’t seek to condemn, but rather endeavors to save the whole world or pull the whole world close.
This passage is complex and takes time and care to truly sort out (more than we’ll do here), the core is clear: God is motivated by love for the whole world. God gives with remarkable generosity. God continues offering connection and transformation to all. God brings light and hope into the world and into our lives. That is what Jesus’ actions and teachings reveal – a God of generosity, transformation, and inclusion not condemnation.