three / one

Christians teach that God is one being in three persons: Father/Creator, Son/Jesus, Spirit/Breath. It’s not that there are three gods – God is just one, and yet God is three.  Of course, that is absurd and it doesn’t make sense.  And yet, it is what we teach and what we profess to believe in our statements of faith.  God is complicated and beyond human understanding.  This week, as the church focuses on the Trinity, we are reminded that some things in our faith are mystery.  Not a mystery to be solved – a mystery we are invited to live with and embrace.

God is beyond our ability to understand, yet God is not beyond our experience.  We encounter God in everything that is created.  We notice God in hope-filled moments of new beginnings.  We feel God’s presence urging us to reach out to help someone in need.  We feel God through the kindness of others when we are struggling.  We can’t always explain it, and still, we know that God is alive and active in our lives and in the world around us.

As scholars continue to think and teach about God being three-in-one, we will continue to notice that God moves in our lives and the world around us for God is continually creating, renewing and healing, and moving God’s people.  God is in relationship with all the world out of limitless love, profound faithfulness, and endless compassion for us and all creation.  It is ok if we don’t understand the mystery.  God will continue to love and care for us, no matter what.


weekly prayer | Matthew 28

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