The ELCA Young Adult Ministry team at Churchwide is asking for 8 young adults to serve year-long terms to help steer young adult ministries within the church in line with our vision statement, as well as uplift ideas, ongoing ministries, and more. Born out of a desire to include more voices in steering the Young Adult Ministry team, the steering committee will help advise our team in staying true to our vision statement of “Called to radically affirm and empower all young voices for Holy strategic disruption and divine justice”.
The committee is comprised of 15 young adults that will serve on staggered terms for 1 year and meet quarterly. We are committed to making sure that the makeup of our committee is reflective of young adult experiences. At least eight members of the team will be young adults of color, and we are looking for diverse representation in queer identity, disability status, socioeconomic status, family makeup, life experience, age, and more.
Check out the link in our linktree for more information, application, FAQ, and tentative schedule! Feel free to reach out to us at young.adults@elca.org to ask more questions as you discern whether or not this is right for you.