
“I came that they may have it abundantly.”   This week’s gospel reading from John ends with Jesus saying these words to and about his followers.  In the passage, Jesus uses a couple of different metaphors related to sheep and shepherds to talk about his commitment, connection and care for the people, and ends by stating clearly that he is about abundance.  The gospels are filled with stories where Jesus brings abundance.  He gives sight to a man born blind, talks with a woman at a well and transforms her life, brings Lazarus back to life, and so many other encounters.  Of course, there are also stories where Jesus feeds thousands of people who had come to hear him teach, and heals a constant stream of those who have sought him out for help.   We find plenty of abundance in those stories.  The stories where Jesus interacts with just one person bring another kind of abundance, where and encounter with Jesus brings a depth and meaning and new life in less quantifiable and even more transformative ways.  Their encounters with Jesus brought so much more to their lives.

Psalm 23 is paired with this week’s gospel, and the rich description of the shepherd’s consistent, committed care for the sheep is a comforting and beautiful picture of abundance.  The shepherd  provides rich pastures, safe waters, guidance and protection, a lavish banquet – even in the face of danger or death. People have found comfort and encouragement in these images for thousands of years. 

How would you describe the abundance God brings into your life?  Where do you experience the wisdom and guidance of the one who creates you?  What reminds you of God’s commitment to walk with you in the delights and the struggles of life?  Where do you experience the generosity of God?  When have you realized or remembered that you are precious to God? It may take a little time to remember, but our lives are filled with abundance from God who cares for us like a generous and good shepherd tends the sheep.



weekly prayer | shepherd and sheep passages from John 10 and Psalm 23

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