Thursday Worship this week (4/6/23)

Most weeks, we gather for Evening Prayer in the Worship Hall at Pasquerilla at 6 pm where we share music, prayers, scripture and reflections together. Afterward, we move to the Harshbarger Room where we share dinner and conversation. It is a time of true community, where you can relax, chat, eat, and just be yourself.

This week is Holy Week, and our usual worship day falls on Maundy Thursday, the day the church recalls Jesus’ final evening with his closest followers before he was arrested. While the Roman Catholic community gathers for Mass in the Worship Hall, we will gather at 6 pm in the Harshbarger Room and will blend prayers, scriture, and reflections with our usual dinner together. It will be casual and relaxed, with good food, excellent people, and open conversation.

We look forward to dinner and worship together!

Questions? Contact Alicia Anderson, Campus Minister at

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