showing up

In this week’s gospel, two of Jesus’ followers are traveling from Jerusalem to Emmaus.  They are leaving just days after Jesus was executed and hours after they heard reports that he was seen alive again by women followers on Easter morning.  They are probably unsure and frightened, seeking safety away from the powers that put Jesus to death and may be seeking his followers for a similar fate.  As they walk, they are talking and processing all that has happened when someone new joins them, asking what they are talking about.  They are astonished that he is unaware.  As they explain Jesus’ story to them, they admit their disappointment, for they had hoped that Jesus was “the one who would redeem Israel.”  This stranger then explains the stories and promises in the prophets are fulfilled by all they have just experienced.  They arrive at their destination and insist that their unknown companion stay the night with them rather than risk traveling at night.  As they sit down to eat, they suddenly realize that the one blessing and breaking the bread is Jesus, and just as suddenly, he disappears. They rush back to Jerusalem to tell the closest disciples what happened, and they learn that the risen Jesus has appeared to Peter, too.

Jesus keeps showing up in unexpected places.  In this story, Jesus walks with followers who are fleeing the terror and uncertainty.  He helps them understand what has been unfolding, and even though they had not realized who he was, they felt moved by his teaching.  At the table together, “in the breaking of the bread” they finally realize Jesus is there.  In our lives, Jesus keeps showing up.  Whenever we encounter hope or peace, patience or compassion, forgiveness or generosity, courage or new beginnings, God is there.  Sometimes we realize God’s presence, and sometimes we don’t.  It may take a long time to see that God has been with us, bringing love and all its blessings into the difficulties and challenges that fill our days.  God keeps showing up in places we don’t expect.

Jesus on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24 | weekly prayer

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