Easter every day

Christ is Risen!

He is risen, indeed!


Happy Easter, my friends. Easter took a strange turn this year for me.

Instead of joining people celebrating at the morning Easter services, hosting lunch, and helping to lead the evening Easter service, I stayed home on Sunday because I tested positive for Covid-19 on Saturday evening.  It was a quiet day for me, punctuated by naps, coughing, and online worship services.  I didn’t get dressed up, hide any Easter eggs, or have a special meal with family or friends.    

It was still Easter, though.  Celebration of the resurrection, of God’s defeat of evil, sin and death are not affected in any way by the presence or the absence of new clothes, family gatherings, special treats, or in-person worship.  The story in Matthew’s gospel still tells of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary making their way to Jesus’ tomb at dawn.  There is an earthquake, an angel, the stone is rolled away and they hear, “Do not be afraid: I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified.  He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said.” Even in their fear and uncertainty, as they ran to tell the others, they encountered Jesus, took hold of his feet and worshiped him.

Lots of times, like the women at the tomb, we are afraid and uncertain.  Yet, in the midst of things like illness, challenging coursework, troubles with family or friends, or an unknown future, I believe we also encounter Jesus.  We experience compassion from a neighbor or stranger. We connect with a friend in person or online.  We notice the beauty of a sunset, or spring’s inevitable progress.  We hear about compassion and generosity in the world.  We reach out to someone in need.   In these and in countless other places of kindness, compassion, love, or forgiveness, we encounter Jesus.

The story doesn’t change, even when our celebrations are different.  Jesus always brings new life to a broken and hurting world.  Jesus brings forgiveness and justice and love to us and the whole world. 

Christ is risen!  He is risen, indeed!  Alleluia!


weekly prayer | Mary and Mary at the tomb in Matthew 28

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