growing thru Lent – Week of 26 March

Lent 5 – Sunday, March 26

God’s world | noticing creation

what God has made

We are always surrounded by creation and everything God makes; our days are filled by encounters with God’s world.  Sometimes we are busy and don’t really notice, but other times we drink in the beauty and diversity of the natural world, truly seeing the remarkable complexity that is creation. We marvel at God’s creativity and generosity (not to mention sense of humor). We find peace and rest in nature.  Of course, a dramatic mountain vista or the pounding of waves on the shore catch our attention differently than a familiar bird song or the new grass starting as winter ends, yet God is there in the ordinary as well as the dramatic. Through our senses, we have the opportunity to see, smell, hear, taste and feel the countless gifts God fills the world with.  Whether it is through a brilliant sunset, the scent of new-mown grass, the songs of birds, a sweet apple, or a warm gentle breeze, we encounter God and experience God’s love.   

-Where do you notice creation in your daily life?

-Is there a special place in nature where you’ve felt in touch with God?  

-Do you notice God at the beach? In the Mountains? At a Forest? By a Lake? In your own neighborhood? 

-When have you noticed God through creation this week?

Explore in ways that work for you

-This is a chance to notice creation, reflect and consider.  There is no right or wrong way. 

-If you find them useful, try the questions above to guide you in reflecting.

-Feel free to share what you discover on our socials.

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