growing thru Lent – week of March 19

Giving up things | fasting – Letting go

Fasting (or giving up things) is one of the three traditional practices of Lent. Mind you, fasting is not really about depriving ourselves.  Rather, it is about setting something aside in order to notice or take on something else.  When we choose to stop an activity that is usually a part of our lives, it can get our attention, help us adjust patterns, or give us time to focus on something else. It can also help us think about God’s unconditional love and the countless gifts and blessings that God provides each day.  In Lent, fasting is a means to an end – not an end in itself. 

-What experiences do you have already of giving something up or fasting?

-Is there something you want to set aside that will help you move closer to God?

-Can you think of something that gets in the way of loving God and your neighbor?

-What does it feel like to intentionally fast from something in order to move closer to God?

Explore in ways that work for you.

-This is a chance to try and reflect and consider.  There is no right or wrong way to fast in Lent. 

-If you find them useful, try the questions to guide you. 

-Feel free to share something you discover on our socials.

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