Camp Kirchenwald and Nawakwa Summer Jobs


 “This was the best summer of my life” 

 “Working at camp was the best job I ever had” 

“I didn’t know anyone going in to it and now all my best friends are from camp” 

 “It feels so good to make a difference in people’s lives” 

So, you’re thinking about a job as a summer camp counselor. Wonderful! The Lutheran Camping Corporation is in need of faithful and mature individuals like you to build our Christian communities in the woods. The work is challenging, but incredibly rewarding. Look over these pages to learn more about how you can join our outdoor ministry team and help children grow in their faith, build confidence, and share in fellowship and learning with one another. Also, visit our website: for more information. 

What is working at camp like? 


Counselors work together in the small group model of camping to shape the week’s experiences for  their family-style group of campers. Days include a morning watch, evening devotion, Bible study,  nature study, and lots of active recreation. Each program has a unique theme that engages campers and  staff in a one-of-a-kind adventure, acting as a conduit for the faith education. 

What kind of person are we looking for? 

Camp can be a great place for all kinds of people! Staff come from a variety of backgrounds. While  Kirchenwald and Nawakwa are affiliated with the ELCA (Lutheran) church, our core values are widely  accepted by all Christian faiths. Even people without a church home have found a friendly community in  camp. As a Reconciling in Christ organization, we believe all people are wonderfully made by God and  we welcome and affirm staff and campers of all races, ethnicities, abilities, and gender and sexual  identities and expressions. The important thing is that we be models of the love and acceptance that  Jesus demonstrated in his ministry for our campers and for one another. 

What’s the time commitment? 

A typical week starts on Sunday afternoon and concludes on Saturday morning. Staff are provided  housing and stay on site with campers during the week. The 2023 season starts with staff training at the  beginning of June and lasts for two weeks. The last day of camper program is August 12. Staff are  expected to work the entire summer with as few absences as possible. 

What are the benefits of working at Kirchenwald and Nawakwa? Job satisfaction: Camp isn’t all fun and games. Working with children can be demanding. But the  rewards are great — a camper’s appreciative smile, a parent’s thank you for helping their child  grow, the satisfaction of knowing you’ve done something that helped someone else, and the  chance to serve God in an outdoor ministry setting. 

Fun: If you love being in the outdoors, being with children, camping, swimming, boating, hiking, rock  climbing, arts & crafts, singing, and sports, then you will get paid to have fun this summer. Job experience: Working as a counselor at camp looks great on a resume and gives you valuable  skills for almost any career path. You’ll hone your leadership skills and learn how to collaborate  with coworkers on a daily basis. Counselors are encouraged to be creative and take initiative.  Job recruiters tell us all the time that camp counselors are regularly the most highly rated  positions in preparing someone for their future career. 

Friends: Friendships formed at camp can be some of the deepest and most long-lasting friendships  you will ever have. Your fellow staff members will share many of your values, including a  commitment to a Christian lifestyle. 

Training: Camp will provide certification in First Aid, CPR, and Lifeguarding for free. Additionally, you  will be trained in team building, behavior management, rock climbing, boating, and much more. 

What’s the pay? 

Working at camp is not the job to make big bucks fast, but it’s wrong to think compensation is not  comparable to other jobs when you include all relevant factors. If you’re thinking, “I won’t make enough  money this summer if I work at camp,” consider the table below. 

Job type Camp Counselor $11/hour job $7.25/hour (min  wage)
Income per week $275 $440 $290
After 15% withholdings $233.75 $374 $246
Cost to travel to work $5 $25 $25
Food costs at home $0 $20 $20
Going out (1x per week) $0 $20 $20
Weekend purchases $20 $20 $20
Rent (shared w/ roommates) $0 $60 $60
Utilities (shared) $0 $25 $25
Net income at the end of the  summer (10 weeks)$2087 $2040 $760

*These calculations are averages and assume a job 10 miles from your home. 

Even if you’re living at home, and are not responsible for food or rent/utilities, your family is still incurring that cost. Camp is the ONLY example where food and lodging is included! 

Additionally, the key positions of Head Cook, Office Manager, Crafts Director, and Property Manager are open!

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    Lutheran Campus Ministry 211A Pasquerilla Spiritual Center University Park, PA 16802
    (814) 865-0715 |

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